Internationally Educated Engineers
This page will provide you with information on the requirements for registration at Engineers Nova Scotia. Please read through this information carefully and if you have outstanding questions, please refer to the Registration (How to Apply) page for detailed application requirement information and information on contacting the appropriate area with questions.
Applicants with a Bachelor of Engineering Degree from a university outside of Canada need to apply for an assessment of academic and experience qualifications. The Board of Examiners (BOE) of Engineers Nova Scotia will review the application and determine the requirements for registration. Applicants can begin compiling documents and submit their application for assessment to Engineers Nova Scotia prior to arriving in Canada.
Submitting an Application
Information on completing an application for assessment can be found on the Assessment page.
Applications are submitted online and can be found on the online application page. An application is considered complete when all required documents have been received. The registration team will review all completed applications and submit them to the Board of Examiners for review. The Board meets each month from September to June. All required documents must be received at least one month prior to a Board meeting in order for a file to be added to the agenda for the next meeting. The Board reviews the academic and experience qualifications for licensure. The Board’s decision on the requirements for registration will be sent to the applicant within six months of a completed application being received.
Applicants who, for a valid reason and in spite of their best efforts including contacting the relevant government departments in the country of their education, cannot confirm the qualifications they claim through original documentation or certified copies will be afforded the opportunity to provide alternative means of proof. Alternative means of proof must be accompanied by a sworn statement by the applicant (affidavit).
Once an application is received, applicants are assigned a user ID (ex. m20210000) and an online account will be created. Invoices for any additional fees and/or dues will be generated in the account. Applicants must login to pay any outstanding invoices to complete your application. Receipts will also be available in the online account once an invoice is paid.
Assigned Exam Programs and Waiving of Exams
All engineers in Canada must meet standard academic requirements. The National Guidelines are outlined on the Engineers Canada website. Applicants may be required to complete examinations to meet the academic requirements.
Examinations are assigned to confirm the knowledge an applicant is believed to possess due to their academic history (confirmatory exams) or to address gaps identified in an applicant’s academic history to meet the academic requirements (structured confirmatory or general exams programs).
Applicants with a recognized Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in the same or similar discipline will have their Master’s Degree reviewed to determine if examinations can be waived. Applicants with additional degrees (beyond their Bachelor’s Degree) should submit transcripts, course descriptions, and degree certificates as a part of their application for assessment.
Once the academic requirements are met, applicants with ten or more years of experience may have exams reduced or waived on the basis of their demonstrated substantial experience. It is important that a comprehensive record of an applicant’s experience is submitted as a part of the application. The Detailed Experience Record Form(s) and information on how to complete them can be found on the Application Resources page.
Receiving a Decision Letter
Once an assessment is complete, applicants will be sent a decision letter by email. The decision letter will outline the necessary steps to complete the requirements for registration. All requirements for registration must be completed before an applicant can apply for licensure as an Engineer in Training.
If an applicant would like to provide additional information (i.e.: additional degrees or experience) for consideration after a decision letter has been received, a re-assessment can be requested. There may be a fee for a re-assessment depending on when the original application was received. The outcome of a re-assessment will be communicated as a decision letter within six months of the additional information being received.
If an applicant would like to request a review of their decision letter, an Internal Review can be requested. This request must be received by Engineers Nova Scotia within 30 days of the date on the applicant’s decision letter. To initiate an Internal Review, the applicant should email a letter with specifics of what they are appealing, any additional information they are presenting, and any specifics of what they are requesting in a new decision. Results of an Internal Review will be communicated to the applicant within 60 days of the receipt of their request.
Applying for Registration
Once the requirements outlined in the decision letter are met, applicants can apply to become an Engineer in Training to complete their experience requirement (if applicable) and the National Professional Practice Exam. Information on how to apply as an EIT will be included in the decision letter and can be found on the Engineer-in-Training page.
Once all the requirements to apply P. Eng. are met, Engineers-in-Training must apply to become a P. Eng. (Full Member) within 30 days. Information on how to apply as a P. Eng. can be found on the Full Member (P. Eng.) page.
Inactive Applications
Applications that have been inactive (no communication or requirements being submitted) for six months or more may require a second assessment fee for continued processing.
Other Resources to Assist Internationally Educated Applicants