Company Resources

The following is a list of internal and external resources that may be of benefit to your organization. 

Use of Engineers Nova Scotia's Logo

NEW  Engineers Nova Scotia has recently adopted a new process to request the use of Engineers Nova Scotia's Logo.  If you are a registered Corporate Member/Sole Practitioner,you may wish to consider the use of our logo as a tool to re-assure the public that you are a member of a regulated profession that protects the public interest. If your company wishes to use the Engineers Nova Scotia logo for public messaging, please fill out the agreement found HERE and forward along to  

Internal Resources

Corporation Registration - Information about registering companies is available HERE.

Engineering Practice Guidelines - A list of Engineering Practice Guidelines produced by Engineers Nova Scotia is available HERE. 

Professional Development Program - Every practicing member of Engineers Nova Scotia is required to comply with our Continuing Professional Development Policy. Details about the program are available HERE. If you would like a presentation on the details of the policy for your employees on site, contact


External Resources

Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia - Two programs are offered to companies who employ internationally educated engineers, English in the Workplace and the Internationally Educated Engineers Bridging Program. 

English in the Workplace - This free program is a 12 week training for employed immigrants to help with language needed for their job. More information is available HERE

Internationally Educated Engineers Bridging Program - This program connects you with a talented engineer for 12 weeks and a member of your team acts as a supervisor to assess their engineering skills. This experience is considered during their licensure application. More information is available HERE.