Professional Development

Last Updated: January, 2023

This page contains information about the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program at Engineers Nova Scotia. The CPD Policy and Guideline, which
 describes the program and its requirements is available HERE.  If you require further information, please contact
Check the Events Calendar here for further information on CPD sessions and registration information.  
CPD session recordings are now available on Engineers Nova Scotia's YouTube channel!
Additional opportunities and resources are listed below:
CPD Program Details
Section 5 of the Engineering Profession Act indicates that the objectives of Engineers Nova Scotia specifically include “to assure the general public of the proficiency and competency of professional engineers in the practice of engineering”. Professional engineers are required to maintain their competence in those areas in which they practice. You can find the Engineering Profession Act & By-Laws here.

Under the CPD program, members continue to be responsible for their own professional development. Members must comply with the CPD policy, meaning that they will practice only in their areas of competence. They must show this either by checking a box electronically on their member profile or by another method. Members should keep professional development records for their own purposes; however, Engineers Nova Scotia does not require copies of these records, except for disciplinary or audit purposes. In July 2014 we launched a tool for members to record their PD activities, this is a service we provide you, submission is not required. 

The following groups of members are exempt from the program: 

                             o   Non-resident members licensed at a Canadian Association                        
                             o   Non-Practicing Life and Honorary Life members (Practicing members are not exempt.)

                             o   Retired Non-practicing members
                             o   Members on parental leave and unemployed members (while not practicing).          

Note: The program began in January 2011, and corresponds to the yearly billing cycle. Invoice notification emails are sent to members starting in mid-November of each year. Members with a valid e-mail address on file receive their invoice notification by e-mail along with instructions for logging on to the “Member and Company Login” section of our website. Those without an e-mail address on file receive their invoice by paper through regular mail. Payment can now be made electronically through the website. A receipt will be available online for retrieval immediately following payment.

Here is a list of resources that relate to the Engineers Nova Scotia CPD program:        

Engineers Nova Scotia Continuing Professional Development Policy -  

            - CPD planning form (or PDF) - Use this form to plan your CPD opportunities for the year.
           - CPD tracking form  (or PDF)- Use this form to track your CPD activities you have completed.

For further information on Professional Development, contact