Engineering Practice Guidelines

Guidelines related to the practice of engineering in Nova Scotia are contained in this section. Click on one of the headings below to be directed to the relevant information.
Guideline for Relying on the Work of Others - DRAFT for Consultation (June 16, 2021)

Professional Practice Guidelines (updated June, 2021)

Guidelines for use of the Professional Stamp  (updated July, 2019)

Guidelines Regarding Field Review of Construction Certificates   (updated December, 2022)

Practice Review Guidelines  (updated August, 2016)


Guidelines and Regulations from Other Organizations

Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations

Guideline for Consulting Engineering Services (from Consulting Engineers of Nova Scotia - CENS) 

Selecting a Consulting Engineer Summary (from Consulting Engineers of Nova Scotia - CENS)  

Standard Specifications for Municipal Services -(Click here for ordering information)


Engineers Canada National Guidelines

Engineers Canada has a number of National Guidelines that are available for provincial engineering regulatory bodies. Note that these are for guidance only, and the Nova Scotia Engineering Profession Act and By-Laws take precedence. A list of all Engineers Canada Guidelines are available here

Engineers Canada National Position Statements

The engineering profession has positions on key issues relating to the public interest. These are consensus positions of the provincial and territorial engineering regulatory bodies of Engineers Canada. These National Position Statements are available here.