Application Resources
Online Application Portal
Applicants can apply online through the online application portal. Information on the different application categories can be found on the pages listed under Registration (How To Apply).
Detailed Engineering Experience Records
Anyone with any amount of experience (international or Canadian) should write up their experience on the detailed engineering experience form to submit it with their application. If someone has no experience then they would not have anything to write up so the detailed experience records would not be a requirement for their application.
If someone has more than ten years of experience, it is not required that they write up everything, however, it is suggested that they write up at least ten years and supply a detailed resume that depicts the other years of experience obtained. It is in the applicant’s best interest to show the breadth and depth of the experience obtained.
When to use the pre-grad vs. post-grad form:
When completing the detailed experience records it is important that the accurate form is used. There are a few versions of this form but each has a specific use. Each of the forms and their use are described below.
- Pre-grad Engineering Experience Form is meant for experience obtained before receiving your undergraduate degree.
- Post-grad Engineering Experience Form is meant for experience obtained in the process of obtaining a Masters or PhD.
- Applicants that work while completing their degree and the work experience obtained does not contribute to required hours for that degree should record that work experience on the regular detailed engineering experience record form.
- If it contributed to the requirements for the degree then it would go on the post-grad form.
- Detailed Engineering Form is meant for experience obtained that would not be classified as pre-grad or post-grad experience.
Helpful tips when completing the detailed engineering experience forms:
- Records must be written in the first person.
- The Experience Record Number is a self-assigned number for each record. This number should go in chronological order with the oldest experience being recorded on record 1.
- The number of months submitted is a total of the number of months recorded on that specific experience record.
- The five fields for the five engineering principles should total 100 when added together.
- The supervisor that signs should have first-hand knowledge and awareness of the work described on the Experience Record that they are signing.
- The supervisor signature on the forms needs to be a wet signature or digitally authenticated signature.
Questions applicants can ask themselves before submitting experience records:
- Is there an overlap of time within any of the Experience Records?
- If so, applicants should write an explanation of this within their experience record form to explain the overlap of time.
- Is there more than one employer recorded within one Experience Record?
- If so, split them into multiple Experience Records. There should not be more than one company on each Experience Record Form.
- Do the totals for the five engineering principles equal 100?
- If not, revise totals so that they equal 100. Each record should have totals that reflect that work completed during the time period recorded on that specific Experience Record.
- Is there a supervisor signature on each Experience Record?
- If not, obtain the signature prior to submission.
- If unable to obtain the signature for any reason, include a cover letter with information regarding the missing signature(s). Note: unsigned records may not be eligible to count toward the engineering experience requirement.
- Are each of these aspects covered in each Experience Record?
- If not, consider revising records to include more detail and address the aspects outlined below:
- Information on where experience was obtained
- Challenging engineering problems worked through and how the applicant was able to overcome technical obstacles
- Details of projects worked on and projects that demonstrate skill
- Specific activities for those projects with description of what was done
- Information on how the five principles of engineering were practiced
- Details on how engineering experience expanded and progressed throughout the applicant’s career/projects
- If not, consider revising records to include more detail and address the aspects outlined below:
Links to Detailed Engineering Experience Record Forms:
- Detailed Engineering Experience Form
- To be used for experience obtained after graduation
- Pre-Grad Engineering Experience Form
- To be used for experience obtained during undergraduate degree
- There is a maximum of 12 months of pre-grad experience that can be claimed.
- Pre-Grad Guide
- Post-Grad Engineering Experience Form
- To be used for experience obtained during Masters or PhD studies
- There is a maximum of 12 months of post-grad experience per degree that can be claimed, with a maximum of 24 months toward the 48-month requirement.
Guideline Documents
One Page Work Summary Template and Examples