Professional Practice

Professional Practice:  The Engineering Profession Act outlines the duties and responsibilities of professional engineers who practice in Nova Scotia. 

The Engineering Profession Act defines engineering as "the science and art of designing, investigating, supervising the construction, maintenance or operation of, making specifications, inventories or appraisals of, and consultations or reports on machinery, structures, works, plants, mines, mineral deposits, processes, transportation systems, transmission systems and communication systems or any other part thereof."

Click here to review the Engineers Nova Scotia Act & By-Laws


The Engineering Practice Guidelines provide additional information related to engineering pratice in Nova Scotia and are available here.

Complaints and Discipline: Information regarding the Complaints and Discipline process is available here

Company Registration:  Companies that provide engineering in Nova Scotia must be registered with Engineers Nova Scotia and hold a Certificate of Compliance.  Each engineer who works with a company that practices in Nova Scotia must be registered with Engineers Nova Scotia.

Access the Company Registration page here.


Please contact us if you need any assistance or information regarding the Engineering Profession Act or have concerns regarding the practice of engineering in Nova Scotia.
       Kris Dove, P.Eng., MBA, Chief Operating Officer, e-mail