Women in Engineering Committee
The WIE Committee was formally created as an entity of Engineers Nova Scotia in 2014. The WIE Committee’s vision is to foster an engineering profession reflective of the society it serves, and that supports professional engineers, engineers-in-training, and engineering students who are women by:
- Promoting the increased participation and advancement of women in the engineering profession.
- Fostering welcoming workplaces where all clients, colleagues and coworkers who are women are treated equitably and their perspectives and contributions are recognized, welcomed and valued.
- Coordinating and running the networking and mentoring program for engineers who are women, and advising other equity-deserving groups on creating network and mentoring programs
The Committee has three subcommittees that all Engineers Nova Scotia members are welcome to be part of.
- Improving Working Conditions (IWC): Identifies and creates resources to assist members and employers in creating equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplaces via: Best practices guide development; Awards/Recognition/Support; Database of resources
- Networking and Mentorship (N&M): Fosters relationships between members with different lived experiences to increase a sense of belonging in the profession by sharing stories, providing guidance, encouraging understanding, and developing skills via: Networking; Mentorship; Skills development (lunch and learns, workshops, articles)
- Spotlight on Local Innovation: The Spotlight on Local Innovation Subcommittee, is an Event Subcommittee active for the period needed to plan, execute, and review the annual Spotlight on Local Innovation event. Taking place each March, this is Engineers Nova Scotia’s signature National Engineering Month event.
If you are interested in contributing to one of these subcommittees, please send an email to volunteer@engineersnovascotia.ca identifying which subcommittee you are most interested in.