National Technical Examinations (NTE)

National Technical Exams are online exams that are administered by Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC). They are assigned based on the Engineers Canada Examination Syllabus. Each candidate is permitted up to three attempts to successfully pass each assigned exam. After three unsuccessful attempts on any one exam, a reassessment by the Board of Examiners is required.


The Board of Examiners (BOE) of Engineers Nova Scotia reviews academic qualifications of applicants applying for registration with Engineers Nova Scotia to determine the level and quality of academic training. If academic qualifications need to be confirmed, National Technical Exams (NTE), the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE), or a combination of the two categories of exams may be assigned. Applicants will receive a decision letter with information that is specific to their application and next steps once their assessment is complete. It is important that applicants follow the steps provided in their decision letter because each assigned exam program is specific to each applicant.


Technical exams may be written twice a year in the Spring and in the Fall. Applicants can choose the examination session that they write in. Exams must be completed by the assigned completion date that is provided in the decision letter.


The fee for each NTE is $485.


Applications to take online technical exams must be received by:

  • February 27 for the Spring/Summer 2024 session
  • July 31 for the Fall/Winter 2024 session


Exam Availability:

Prior to applying to write an exam, applicants need to ensure that the exam is available in the upcoming window. The list of available exams can be found at the links below.

If the exam required is not on the list, send an email to to request to have it added. The deadline to have exams added for each session can be found below.

  • Spring/Summer 2024 – exams cannot be added after September 1, 2023.
  • Fall/Winter 2024 – exams cannot be added after March 22, 2024.


Exam Cancellation:

Exams that are not booked with eProctor can be cancelled without a fee. Email to cancel or defer exams that have not been booked with eProctor.

Exams that are booked with eProctor cannot be cancelled or deferred. Exam fees cannot be refunded or transferred once an exam has been booked with eProctor.  



  • Engineers Canada Examination Syllabus 
    • This link provides suggested reference texts.
  • NTE Application Form -  PDF
    • Use this form to apply to write exams.
  • Sample Technical Exams 
    • This provides a list of technical exams written at previous exam sittings, answers are not provided.
  • Standard Exam Procedure -  PDF
    • This explains the process to follow to write exams.
  • Status of Online Technical Exams Website
    • This page is updated regularly with exam information, candidate guides, what to expect with the online format, and exam conduct expectations.