Informal Education Opportunities

Informal education includes learning activities that are not normally offered by an educational institution or other formalized organization, but do indeed expand knowledge, skills or judgment.  Informal education activities may include:

  • Self-directed study (ex. learning new software).
  • Attendance at conferences, technical sessions, talks, seminars, workshops, and industry trade shows
  • Attendance at meetings of technical, professional or managerial associations or societies
  • Structured or informal discussion of technical or professional issues with one’s peers.
  • Participation in Lunch and Learns offered by Vendors or Suppliers
  • Researching and applying new parts of codes in daily activities.

Every two (2) hours of activity qualify as one (1) PDH.  The engineer may claim a maximum of 30 total PDH’s per year for this activity.



Engineers Nova Scotia aims to provide its members with learning and networking opportunities across the province. We currently do this through our events and online webinars. 

Events - For upcoming event offerings please refer to the Events page

Webinars - A collection of webinars available online and those created by Engineers Nova Scotia

Podcasts - A large number of Podcasts available for a fee through Learnio - CPD for Engineers.