NS Regulators Address Public Safety Concerns Over Bill 36

Mar 21, 2025 12:00 AM

NS Regulators Address Public Safety Concerns Over Bill 36

On 19 March, several Nova Scotia regulators addressed the NS Public Bills Committee regarding Bill 36 and its potential impacts on public safety.

Regulators presented unified arguments highlighting the public safety risks associated with professionals licensed in other provinces and territories being granted "as if" licensed status in Nova Scotia. They emphasized the dangers of professionals practicing without the regulator's knowledge and the lack of legislative authority to regulate these "as if" professionals, who are not registrants of the provincial regulator and therefore not subject to standards of good standing or disciplinary actions.

 According to a recent CBC News article, the Nova Scotia government has drafted amendments to Bill 36 following the public safety concerns raised by professional regulators. Along with other regulators, Engineers Nova Scotia, represented by CEO Pal Mann, played a crucial role in highlighting the need for consultation and the potential risks to public safety. The regulator’s submissions significantly influenced the Government’s decision to amend the bill to address these concerns.

To view Engineers Nova Scotia’s CEO and Registrar, Pal Mann, P.Eng.’s address. CLICK HERE

The complete video is found below