Engineers PEI: Project Scheduling Essentials

Oct 23, 2023 - Oct 24, 2023


The Professional Development and Continuing Education Committee of EngineersPEI presents:


Project Scheduling Essentials Workshop

  • October 23 - 24, 2023, half day virtual sessions from 9:00am - 12:30pm
  • The instructor is Darya Duma, Procept Associates Ltd - Consulting & Training

DEADLINE TO REGISTER: October 17, 2023

Defining project success often involves completing on time and on budget and project budgets are often driven by resource costs and scheduling those resources. This workshop will provide you with the tools to build more realistic project schedules. You will practice the translation of typical construction activities into dependencies, the tools to identify the critical path and schedule float and appreciate the value of monitoring project progress against the baseline. For the 2-session format, there is a small overnight assignment to be completed at the end of the first half day.

Learning Objectives

Participants will gain practical skills to:

  • Identify the role of a good schedule in projects
  • Relate the Work Breakdown Structure to schedule detail
  • Create a simple master schedule
  • Create and analyze a logic diagram
  • Create a simple bar chart
  • Translate relationships into dependencies
  • Calculate total float and free float
  • Create a schedule


Engineers PEI is partnering with APEGNB, Engineers Nova Scotia and PEGNL to present a series of professional development programs that are targeted specifically at members and delivered via an online platform. This is a great opportunity to participate in training and to meet colleagues in the region.