| Julie DiCicco, P.Eng., environmental engineer at Dillon Consulting Limited, will discuss working closely with the Atlantic First Nations Water Authority (AFNWA) to develop individual Asset Management Plans for Water and Wastewater Systems for participating First Nations Communities in Atlantic Canada (NS, NB, and PEI). The presentation will examine the milestones achieved as part of this project, including the development of an asset management framework, asset hierarchy, data collection methodology, asset analysis tools, and treatment facility assessments. The presentation will also discuss the management of a complex, innovative project that is providing a framework for a new approach to managing water and wastewater infrastructure in First Nations communities.
What is one rewarding experience that you didn't expect to be involved with as an Engineer?
My first project at Dillon was to complete a climate change vulnerability assessment for infrastructure components within a First Nation community using a proprietary tool applied for the first time at a community scale. I continued to work with the same community to implement the adaptation options resulting from the vulnerability assessment, increasing the community's resiliency to climate change. Seeing the community benefit from the work I contributed to was and continues to be very rewarding.
What do you find inspiring about your current role?
My current role at Dillon allows me the flexibility to establish new ways of delivering engineering services to our clients. Dillon supports my professional and personal development, and that inspires me to become a better person, engineer, and consultant. Were there any drivers that lead you to pursue engineering and/or your discipline selection? If so, please describe.
I was interested in Environmental Engineering for its wide-reaching topics, from air quality, to solid waste management, to contaminated sites. I decided to pursue a Master’s degree in water treatment technologies to specialize in a skill set before joining the workforce. |