Professional Practice Guidelines

First published in 2016, the Professional Practice Guidelines are intended to assist engineers and engineers-in-training in meeting the highest standards of professional competence and ethical conduct. These Guidelines aim to educate the reader, provide a reference document on the fundamental values of Engineers Nova Scotia, and to offer clarity on the practical application of these values.

This update includes modernization of language, expansion of professional practice topics, and a general data reorganization. Engineering job functions have been removed, with the intention of creating a separate guideline that provides more specific direction on the practical application of ethical and professional conduct for various job functions in which engineers practice.


The most recent draft version of the Guideline is available in PDF format click here.


The deadline for feedback related to this Guideline is 5:00 pm on Friday, March 28, 2025. 


Comments, feedback and questions can be sent by email to  Please indicate the page number and section related to the comments being provided, and any other relevant information.